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Recent blog posts

Protecting Our Children in the New World of Technology

3 years ago by Bogdi - 11 min read

In this article, we're talking about the most important "thing" in the world for us, our children. We will approach a few wide & deep questions that lurk in the shadows every day. How is this "new world" going to affect them? Is it positive or negative? Is it going to help them achieve the happiness, fulfillment, and overall well-being that we're daily trying to guide them towards? Or is it going to work against our highest hopes? Placing the nuanced answers aside, for now, we can be 100% sur


This is How to Block Inappropriate Videos on Facebook

4 years ago by Bogdi - 6 min read

It seems like no matter how careful you think you're being, inappropriate videos somehow make their way onto Facebook. Facebook is a powerful application for connecting with friends and family all across the globe. It's wonderful catching up on so-and-so's life happenings, but unfortunately, not all the information on Facebook is what we want to see. To block inappropriate videos on Facebook, follow these three easy steps: 1. Go to the "videos" section in your Facebook settings. 2. Switch "a


The Pros and Cons of Parental Controls

4 years ago by Bogdi - 10 min read

As the pace of technological advancement accelerates, the job of parents gets harder. Your child has more communication options than any other generation in history. No one person can track them all. Because of this, you may want a simple solution to keep your kid safe. Parental controls are one option, but are they worth the hassle? Parental controls can help you moderate what your child does online but have their advantages and disadvantages: ProsConsLocation trackingHigh costsBlock inapprop


Can You Get DDoSed with a VPN: Here’s the Truth

5 years ago by Bogdi - 6 min read

While VPN’s have been in service in the business sector for decades, there has been a recent boom in commercial VPN services available to consumers. With a rise in DDoS attacks, more and more people are asking: can a VPN protect me from a DDoS attack? It is extremely difficult for an attacker to successfully DDoS a target if they are using a VPN. There is no perfect defense against DDoS attacks…


Do Password Managers Track My Information?

4 years ago by Bogdi - 6 min read

Password overload: it’s unavoidable in this day and age. With so much business conducted online, everything, from buying groceries to subscribing to a new television streaming service, requires a username and password to access. As the sheer volume of passwords is not possible to remember anymore, it can be helpful to use a password manager. Password managers, in addition to keeping track of your…


Does a VPN Hide You from Your ISP? The Truth Revealed

4 years ago by Bogdi - 6 min read

Internet privacy is a pressing concern in the current Information Age, and unfortunately many people do not realize their vulnerabilities when using internet services and devices. Establishing a VPN, or a virtual private network, can increase the security of your personal information and data by using encryption. While a VPN does afford more security and privacy during your internet usage, its…


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