I help busy parents take care of their children by providing internet safety advice.
Try searching for what is bothering you, and you'll get your answer in no time.
Being a parent is a very hard job on its own. But it does not stop there, does it? There are a lot of obligations you have to take care of like paying the bills, cleaning, shopping, and trying to maintain a work-life balance. On top of it, add some free time for yourself (because you deserve it), and, boom! The day ended.
Whether it's about making sure your home is protected against thieves, or the school is treating your kids fairly, it's your job to make sure your family is safe. Now more than ever, this also applies to the internet. All of your family members use the internet daily and you know there are a lot of dangers there. Making sure they are safe while using the laptop or the mobile phone is as important as making sure to lock the door when you leave home.
Internet safety is no joke, but learning how to do it efficiently takes a lot of time. It took me a master's degree to understand why Public WiFi can be dangerous (and how to fix this). Just imagine all the computer slang involved. Who has time for all of this?
Most people do. All the information is out there (and for free). It takes time to find the answer you are looking for. Also, what you find is general advice like "don't go on shady websites", but how do you know what a "shady website" is, anyway?
A fast way to get an answer is to ask your friend a question. How good that answer is depends on how knowledgeable your friend is in that area. I'm not saying that they don't have the best intentions. On contrary, I believe friends always want to help us and they try their best. I never heard a friend say "I don't know if you need a firewall". They usually say something like: "I don't have a firewall and I didn't have any problems so far". How comfortable are you gambling your family's safety like this?
This is the place where a lot of knowledgeable people live. Asking your questions here will get you a lot of sensible advice. There is just one problem: do you understand this? Tech people tend to use very techy words. You need a university degree just to understand them. Also, how do you know that someone isn't trolling you? How do you know if they are not giving you bogus advice to make fun of you?
Usually, this works well enough. Since not every move you make is followed by a hacker, most of your "not safe online" actions get a free pass. The question is not "will you get hacked?", but "when will you get hacked?". It takes a second to use your credit card on the wrong website and lose all the money you have on it. When you wing it, your kids also wing it. How do you know they are making the right choices?
There is a lot of literature about internet safety, but most people simply don't have the scientific background to read it. All the information is out there, it's just in the "wrong language". Ideally, all of it would be translated into "human-friendly words"so we could all have access to it. Like watching a movie with subtitles. Really helpful if you don't understand the language they are speaking.
Imagine asking "how to hide Facebook last seen on?" and quickly get a list of actable steps. Or asking "can I see old facebook passwords?" and get a quick yes or no with a detailed explanation if you want to read more about it.
The best place to buy a laptop is from a computer shop. Likewise, the best place to search for internet safety advice is to ask on a website that is specialized in internet safety. This sounds like a no-brainer, but more often than not we take advice from shady sources, without double-checking it.
If your kid gets locked out of their Facebook, you need a solution now. You should not wait for your friend to make time for you, nor should you pay expensive consultants to help you. Ideally, all the help and advice you need is free and accessible in seconds.
If this is something you are interested in, go ahead. But if computer science is not your interest there should be a way for you to stay safe online without wasting your time. Online safety advice should be accessible to everybody.
A place where people could ask their questions and receive simple and actable advice instantly. No more reaching aimlessly on Google, no more relying on other people, no more guessing. I believe you should have free and 24/7 access to a library of knowledge about internet safety.
Like everything in this world, hacking is about money. The reason so many hackers exist is that it's profitable. There are, simply, a lot of easy targets online. However, there is hope! If we learn basic internet safety, the balance will change. The more people learn to avoid hackers, the harder it is for them to find a victim. This will increase their costs and slowly make the "hacking business" less profitable.
You Are Safe Online provides internet safety advice for non-technical people.
All the articles are written specifically for non-technical people. I dropped all of the useless jargon like "256-bit private key". Who cares about these details, anyway? You want to know if a software is safe enough to store your photos, you don't need a whitepaper.
Here's a snippet from "Is There A Way to See Old Facebook Passwords?": ...Generally, Facebook will not share your old passwords because they store them in a format that is unreadable...
You will find articles covering very specific issues, like: "A Quick Guide to Password Safety for Kids" and "How to Track a Fake Instagram Account: Parents Edition". Also, all of the articles are structured like this: answer first and explanation later. This allows you to read the answer and leave if you are in a hurry, or stay and read the details below if you choose to. No more aimless searching through lengthy articles.
This is not a generic computer blog. You will only find articles about internet safety here. No spam, no random information that you don't need. You will find titles like: "7 Steps to Adding Parental Controls on a Samsung Tablet" or "11 Safest Free Email Accounts".
I am constantly searching for new topics to cover. This way I bring new and fresh articles to you regularly.
When you search on Google, 1 result = 1 article. On You Are Safe Online, 1 result = 1 chapter or section from an article. This way you can easily find what you are looking for, without wasting time.
If you know how to search on Google, you know how to find all the advice you need on You Are Safe Online.
All the resources you find here are written by experts and double-checked by me. I will make sure that only the best and most accurate content gets published.
There is no cost associated with these resources. You can search, read, browse how much you like, no limit. There are no intrusive ads, annoying popups, or unskippable videos. If you want to know how I make money from this, you can read about it on the ''Support me" page.
Just search for what is bothering you, and you'll get your answer in no time. Try: "password safety for kids".